Saturday, November 14, 2009
Introduction of JUGA (Java User Group Amikom)
JUGA is one of many communities that existed in STMIK AMIKOM. This community is the place for the students of STMIK AMIKOM who want to learn and concentrate about Java Programming.
This community get big support from the lecturers and also the instituion of STMIK AMIKOM. Because we know that what we have got from lecture maybe not enough because knowledge Java Programming is so wide.
So if the students want to experience in Java Programming, they had to more explore about it. And JUGA, as the community, can be the alternative for it./MrStanza
Friday, October 23, 2009
How to Configure Path of Java on Windows
In this post, I assume that all of you have downloaded and installed Java Developement Kit (JDK 2.0 or above) . If java already installed on your computer but you still can’t use the command like ‘javac’ or ‘java’ on your command promt. Maybe you haven’t set the classpath of the java itself.
These are some ways to activate java command on your command prompt :
- First of all, make sure you have already installed JDK 2.0 that can be downloaded at free.
- And then, see at the address where you put the installed files. The default path is at C:\ C:\Program Files\Java\... After that, see where the bin folder exist.
- When you’re already active in C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6
.0_10\bin, copy the address.
- And then, double click on My Computer, choose properties
- Activate the advanced tab, and click on environment variables.
- Find path or classpath or if they are not exist, you can create the new one with its name.
- Now, edit on the path or classpath. Type the semicolon (;), and then followed by paste the ‘C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10\bin’.
- Click OK, and now you can try the javac command on your command promt. Just try it! Java is so full of fun if you dare to love it.. J
2.Menghitung luas lingkaran dari variabel yang ditentukan
Digabung dalam satu file yang bernama (4 digit nim)
Yang dikumpulkan adalah printout dari kode program dan preview output.
Dikumpulkan paling lambat tanggal 29 Oktober 2009. Kalau kesulitan atau ada yang ingin ditanyakan, silahkan ditanyakan. Bisa lewat facebook atau temui saya langsung. Sukses yah. :-)
Monday, July 27, 2009
Another Motions For Your English Debates - 2
THB in the establishment of a "Youth Government" for national policymaking.
THB in compulsory military training for every citizen of the country by age 25.
THW not allow foreign students to enroll in domestic universities.
Round 2: The Palin Factor
THW establish a minimum IQ for National Leaders.
THBT candidates for government positions should not be allowed to accept endorsements from religious leaders.
THBT non-US citizens deserve a right to vote in the US election.
Round 3: Gender Issues
THW recognize trans-sexuals as members of a third sex.
THBT the use of birth control pills should be prescription-free.
THW introduce a quota system for female politicians in national parliament.
Round 4: International Relations
THW say NO to the U.S.-India Nuclear Agreement.
THW not meet with the leaders of Iran.
THBT supporting Georgia's NATO bid is more important than maintaining good relations with Russia.
Quater Finals+EFL Final: Nature
THW not classify radical environmental groups as terrorist.
THS an international moratorium on commercial fishing of tuna.
THW abolish animal sports.
Semi Finals: Territory in NE Asia
THBT Japan and Korea should share Takeshima/Dokdo.
THBT Russia should return the Northern Territories to Japan.
THBT ICJ should mediate the Senkaku Islands dispute among Japan, China and Taiwan.
Final: Medicine
THS the forced sterilization of all criminals convicted of a felony.
THW deny national health services to people who participate in extreme sports.
THW protect the right of families to genetically engineer the traits of their children.
THBT bioethanol is the way to go.
THW ban cars in the city.
THBT carbon trade doesn't help the environment.
Round 2: History
THBT Northeast Asia needs a unified history textbook.
THW compensate victims of sexual slavery during WWII.
THW apologize for our history.
Round 3: International Relations
THBT the Palestinian people should give up the right to return.
THBT Japan should stop giving foreign aid to Myanmar.
THW blame China for Darfur.
Round 4: Animal
THBT game park rangers should have the right to shoot poachers.
THW ban bullfighting.
THBT bestiality should not be illegal.
Round 5: Big Government vs. Small Government
THBT states should have an official religion.
THBT Presidents should not have term limits.
THBT Sports should only be funded by private entities.
Quarter Finals: Minorities
THW give prisoners the right to vote.
THW make neglect of parent a criminal offence.
THBT that mothers who cause harm to their babies during their pregnancy should be criminally liable.
Semi Finals: Money
THW forbid foreign control over local banks.
THBT government money should not be invested in overseas.
THW abolish corporate tax.
Final: Gender
THBT fathers should also be granted maternity leave.
THW national identification cards should not indicate gender.
THBT Sex change operations be included as part of national healthcare programs.
THW risk civilian casualties for military victories.
THBT Guantanamo Bay detainees should receive normal US criminal due process rights.
THW violate individual rights to protect the domestic order.
Round 2: Pop culture
THBT Borat is good for Kazakhstan.
THBT orphans prefer the “Material World” to the 3rd World.
THBT celebrities should be required to perform community service.
Round 3: The Environment
THW sacrifice growth to protect the world's oceanic creatures.
THW blame citizens, not their governments, for global warming.
THS private ownership of public water systems.
Round 4: Economics
THW abolish the minimum wage.
THB the Korean Wave has broken.
THW sign a Free Trade Agreement with America.
Round 5: The Soviet Union
THS the re-creation of the Soviet Union.
THBT the Russian government should protect voices of opposition within its borders.
THB the European Union should include the nations of the Former Soviet Union.
Quarter Finals: Government and Morality
THBT government has a moral obligation to end poverty.
THW make education gay friendly.
THW ban religious symbols in government institutions.
Semi Finals: Very Bad People
THW waterboard (torture) Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.
THW mourn Fidel Castro's death.
THW not give Saddam Hussein the death penalty.
Rookie Final: Science and Health
THW subsidize public consumption of wine.
THW ban animal testing for the creation of new medicine.
THBT nature trumps nurture.
Final: Northeast Asia
THBT Taiwan has earned its seat in the United Nations.
THBT Japan should build nuclear weapons.
THBT Korea should be thankful for the American Empire.
THW legalize drugs.
THW legalize euthanasia.
THW legalize the sex industry.
Round 2: Trade and Investment
THBT free trade is not fair trade.
THBT foreign ownership of domestic industries is a good thing.
THBT farm subsidies do more harm than good.
Round 3: Education
THBT English should not be a criteria for admission into Asian universities.
THBT it is inappropriate for teachers to have romantic relationships with students.
THW make sex education mandatory in all public schools.
Round 4: The United Nations
THW sanction Syria.
THW give Asia another permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
THBT John Bolton is exactly what the United Nations needs.
Round 5: Privacy
THBT the news media should not be forced to reveal its sources.
THBT celebrities have the right to a private life.
THW sacrifice personal privacy to prevent terrorism.
Quarter Finals: Murder and Mayhem
THBT Saddam Hussein deserves the death penalty.
THBT anything goes in war.
THB the government should increase regulations on violence in the media.
Semi Finals: Age
THW provide free public care for the elderly.
TH rejects age as a standard for voting.
THBT age is not equivalent to authority.
Final: NE Asia
THW ban food imports from China.
THBT Japan is a better friend to Northeast Asia than America.
THW standardize Asian history textbooks.
THW allow condom vending machines in schools.
THS minimum quotas for women in Asian politics.
THW cancel 3rd world debt.
Round 1: China
THW not support internet censorship in China.
THBT we need another militar superpower.
THS the 3 Gorges Dam.
Round 2: Sports
THW permit performance enhancing drugs at the Olympics.
THW ban all fighting sports.
THW equalize prize money for male and female athletes.
Round 3: Law and Order
THW legalize prostitution.
THW punish government corruption with the death penalty.
THW protect whistleblowers.
Round 4: Science
THW ban genetically modified food.
THBT space exploration is a waste.
THW prohibit human cloning.
Round 5: Terrorism
THBT the US led War on Terror has made the world less safe.
THBT Putin should talk not shoot.
THW grant immediate statehood to Palestine.
Round 6: Human Rights
THBT child labor is justified.
THW legalize gay marriage.
THBT pharmaceutical patents should not be enforced in Africa.
Round 7: Religion
THBT China should not restrict religious freedom.
THBT the churches should allow gay clergy.
THW include religious teaching in public schools.
Quarter Finals: Energy
THBT the Kyoto protocol needs US ratification.
THW build nuclear power plants.
THW provide public transportation for free.
Semi Finals: Northeast Asia - Economics
THW protect local film industries through screen quotas.
THW relocate the capital of Korea.
THW support a free trade zone in Northeast Asia.
Final: Northeast Asia - Military
THW withdraw South Korean troops from Iraq.
THBT North Korea has the right to develop nuclear weapons.
THBT US bases should get out of Northeast Asia.
Another Motions For Your English Debates
2007 - 10th
Round 1: This House would impose greenhouse gas emission limits on developing countries.
Round 2: This House believes that a three-generation family is better than a nuclear family.
Round 3: This House believes that students in public schools should be placed in classes according to their academic level and achievement.
Round 4: This House would ban the export of arms to the Middle East.
Quarter Finals: This House would ban hostile takeovers of all corporations.
Semi Finals: This House believes that dictatorship is better than weak democracy.
Final: This House would ban civilians from entering foreign conflict zones.
2006 - 9th
Round 1: This House believes that cell phones are anti-social.
Round 2: This House would support a matrilineal emperor.
Round 3: This House believes that the anxiety toward the aging society is over-exaggerated.
Round 4: This House believes that a pre-emptive attack is justifiable for national defense.
Quarter Finals: This House would make corporate donations to charity compulsory.
Semi Finals: This House believes that the Koizumi Government was bad for Japan.
Finals: This House believes that cultivating national pride in Japan will lead the nation to a better future.
2005 - 8th
Round 1: This House would make voting compulsory in Japan.
Round 2: This House would welcome more foreign sumo wrestlers.
Round 3: This House believes that the space exploration is a waste of money.
Round 4: This House believes that permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council should be abolished.
Quarter Finals�FThis House would support the Prime Minister's visits to the Yasukuni Shrine.
Semi Finals�F This House would abolish registration of World Heritage Sites.
Final�F This House would introduce English debate in public schools.
2004 - 7th
Round 1: THBT the Internet does more harm than good to children.
Round 2: THBT China no longer needs official development assistance from Japan.
Round 3: THW welcome more foreign workers to Japan.
Round 4: THW advocate cloning technology.
Quarter Finals: THW support free trade agreement in Asia.
Semi Finals: THBT public figures have the right to private lives.
Final: THW amend Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution.
2003 - 6th
Round 1: THBT Japanese baseball players should play abroad.
Round 2: THW ban TV commercials of consumer credit companies.
Round 3: THW allow surrogacy for profit.
Round 4: THBT the United Kingdom should adopt the Euro.
Quarter Finals: THW place the public security ahead of individual human rights.
Semi Finals: THBT the United Nations has failed.
Final: THBT the Japanese Prime Minister should be directly chosen by the electorate.
2002 - 5th
Round 1: This House prefers an early marriage.
Round 2: THBT the Japanese Government should not provide economic assistance to North Korea.
Round 3: THW reward employees more for their inventions.
Round 4: THBT the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions should also be imposed on developing countries.
Quarter Finals: THW freeze the further construction of highways in Japan.
Semi Finals: THBT the Japanese Government should support the domestic movie industry.
Final: THBT weapons of mass destruction are necessary to maintain international security.
2001 - 4th
Round 1: THW eradicate crows.
Round 2: THW allow parents to genetically design their children.
Round 3: THBT Japan should assist the U.S. reprisal against the Taliban.
Round 4: THBT free trade benefits the developing world.
Quarter Finals: THBT the postal service should be privatized.
Semi Finals: THBT smokers should pay higher insurance fees.
Final: THBT a nation's history textbooks are its own affair.
2000 - 3rd
Round 1: THW classify sumo wrestlers by weight.
Round 2: THBT genetically modified foods will save mankind.
Round 3: THBT nothing can completely replace bank notes and coins.
Round 4: THBT the two Koreas should reunite soon.
Quarter Finals: THBT volunteer work should be compulsory in high school.
Semi Finals: THW introduce trial by jury.
Final: THBT the UN should have its own standing army.
1999 - 2nd
Round 1: THW move the capital function from Tokyo.
Round 2: THBT it is your family who really matters not your friends.
Round 3: THW introduce mandatory retirement age for politicians.
Round 4: THBT humanitarian intervention in the internal conflicts of other nations is justifiable.
Quarter Finals: THBT civil servants should be allowed to work for the private sector.
Semi Finals: This House says, 'No, thank you.' to nuclear power.
Final: THBT China is more important to Japan than the U.S.A.
Model Debate: THBT monarchy has outlived its usefulness.
Friendly Debate: This House prefers a small government.
1998 - 1st
Round 1: THW prohibit zoos.
Round 2: THBT Japan should possess nuclear weapons.
Round 3: THBT the female species is deadlier than the male.
Semi-Finals: This House prefers Sega to Shakespeare.
Final: THW not teach English in Japanese elementary schools.
Model Debate: THBT character does not matter in politics.
Friendly Debate: THBT university is a waste of time.
source :
Sunday, July 26, 2009
THW Ban Genetically Enginereed Foods
How terrible corn BT: taste nice, good shape, the results abundant harvest, age of the plant, and pest resistant. To this last one is really special. Pests do not want to disrupt the the plant is corn and fruit. If there is interruption, the pest will death by itself.
Secret of the magic that lies in the corn BT, namely Bacillus Thuringiensis. BT is a bacteria that has been modified to the genetic network in the cell so that the corn crops that can produce substances toxic to pests and resistant to bad environmental conditions. Thanks to the BT that is, the genetic engineering of corn is quite attractived to farmers. Pesticides are quite expensive, if not longer required BT corn planting. Hence, the cost of planting is also economically friendly. Again Also, do not contaminate the environment.
The success of creating transgenic BT corn, followed with the creation of another plant genetic engineering. Now, there are cotton, soybean, wheat, and others. If farmers plant seeds BT, the world will undoubtedly fully with food and no longer environmental pollution due to pesticides.
At this time, we realize or not, we may also have BT consume the food. Eg corn and soybeans that imported from the U.S.. Perhaps, where we also are eaten, the beans derived from genetic engineering with the BT line.
Well, if we have consume them, then we do not feel modern after taste of food of modern. The problem is, when food is still so controversial. The controversy spreads, for several reasons.
First, does this transgenic food is healthy? A report says, dozens of people in the world died after consume protein transgenil (L-Tryptophan) in North America in 1999. Some people are allergic of protein transgenic line. That case, then trigger concerns the emergence of the human food results transgenic plants.
In Europe and Australia, for example, show strong reaction by society against transgenic foods from the U.S. European consumers prefer the original natural food and requires every food product from the U.S. must have a label transgenic food''not''. Due to the reaction, the food transgenic market does not get in developed countries. then, as usual, to solve, even producers export them to developing countries such as Indonesia. In the U.S. alone, and corn
transgenic soybean prices fell. Food companies do not want to again because the products do not use this behavior in the international market.
Indeed, there is no research, the extent to which corn and soybean BT is affecting health. But yet still human more trust the original natural foods which have property and benefits. Matter of food, people do not want to try. Too risky.
Not only that. Any cross-pollination, will move gen-gen foreign to the other plants that like corn, such as weeds and the like. As a result, truly terrible: the weeds will difficult to be liquidated because herbicide-gen gennya already intterupted by BT. This means that weeds are threatening agriculture. Indeed pesticide is not used anymore, but weeds will become increasingly widespread because difficult be liquidated.
From the explanation, now the food of the transgenic plants that plumed genetic engineering experts are facing dilemma. On the one hand, to prove the scientist able to create new seeds that against the nature. On the other hand, feared that the products, also
nature against nature in the human body. The problem: where will the chosen people? Whether human want to select the technology progress, but let himself be covered cares? Or, select a human cooperation with nature so quiet life? That's human choice.../MrStanza
Friday, July 17, 2009
Michael Jackson : King of Download
Previously, and maybe until now Jacko with his released albums succesfully reached top chart of song in most of country. He dominated the download market since his death.
Actually the number of downloads that commited by Jackson’s digital formatted songs hunter in entire world increase day after day. Even recorded, in one weeks the number of downloads has passed 1 million.
And of course, Billboard top chart crowned Jacko as the first artist who bring the freak sale into reality. By the result, Jacko is proper to be called King of Download for now.
More detail, the data from Nielsen SoundScan, said, the record broke by Jacko because of his album sale that can reach 2.6 million. They’re include Jacko solo record and some songs by Jackson Five since last June 28th./MrStanza
Indonesia Big Bang Won Imagine Cup 2009, and 2010?
"We will continue the research. Because our ability is still limited, so we need more research to help another problem," David said.
This David and his team's creation, MOSES(Malaria Observation System and Endemic Surverillance) is not without obstacle. David believed, the main obstacle on MOSES research is about medical problem. They who don't medical as their background, must asked many questions to medical specialist and docter in endemic disease sector.
MOSES is really awesome. Besides useful to accelerate in handling the malaria disease in isolated area, this tool also provide interesting technology solution. This technology mix the hardware and software in one product.
"We still work hard to develop this application, because it's not excellent yet, indeed," David explained. He thought, he and his team still keep the dream to wave red-white flag againt next year.
In the schedule, this yearly event will be held in Polandia in 2010, with the same theme. David and his team will compete againt on that event.
Now, they are still continue in develop the MOSES so it can integrated with health department. The purpose is to help monitor and watch the development of dangerous and infectable disease.
Imagine Cup, David thought, is one of yearly event that can open their eyes. Many problem arounds, that actually is so simple problem that can be solved. But sometimes we don't think it is necessary to we solve.
"This event also gives th chance to the Indonesia teenagers to meet and compete with the competitors from another country, so it can give valuable lesson and experience to us," David said.
"We only hope we can help to solve the existed problem, with our existed ability. We love Indonesia,"David continued./MrStanza
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Joved 2009 Prepared Motions
And here are the prepared motion :
THBT ADB should prioritize giving loans to environmentally- friendly projects
THW Implement free BFR and PVC policy for electronic products now
THW Ban Tar Sands Oil
THBT child labour should be incorporated as a poverty alleviation mechanism in third world nations
THBT International world should compel tax heaven countries to disclose their consumers account information for the sake of tax enforcement
THBT Water is a global common good
Animal Rights
THW implement world-wide ban on seal products
THW Ban puppy mills
THW Ban Genetically Engineered Food Animals
Hope the best for Joved 2009...
Happy Debating...! =)